
Novara 1932

Enzo Mari was born on June 26, 1932 in Novara. He got his diploma in decoration at the Art High School. He studied engraving with Carlo Pacifico and painting with Alice Psacaropulo. A teacher of physical education and a sportsman- a goalkeeper of the National Hockey Team – Enzo Mari was one of the founders of the Youth Artistic Circle and with Mario Bessarione and Adriano Stok of the Gruppo &. He was one of the winners of the national competition for the the new decorations in the “Nereo Rocco Stadium” of Trieste.

Enzo Mari started with paintings of matter-informal art, focused on the Carsic area. He invented a special type of frottage to render the thridimensionality on the canvas. Applying his technique to the ecological issue of waste paper, to the organic one of hide, to the testimonial of the Holy Shroud, he came to banners, where he unusually shows off the theme of historical records.