Fayette, Alabama United States – 1960
Palmer was commissioned and created several originals done for the Women in the Olympic Games for the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta
Charly “Carlos” Palmer was born June 29, 1960 in Fayette, Alabama and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Since 1981, he has made a career of Graphic Design and Illustration. In 1992, along with his partner, he moved to Stone Mountain, Georgia and opened a design illustration Studio called TP Design, Inc. In four short years, their studio had been featured in more than twenty different publications. The studio is celebrating its tenth year in business with a “who’s who” list of clients that includes Coca-Cola, IBM, Pepsi, Disney, McDonald’s and General Mills. In 1996, he was commissioned to create a summer Olympic poster for Atlanta and in 1998, a winter Olympic poster for Japan. His work has been featured on the television show “Living Single” and in many publications such as Essence, Ebony, and Upscale magazines. Also, four of Palmer’s images featured as part of Hallmark cards ‘Mahogany’ series.
Throughout his commercial success, Charly continues to pursue his fine art dreams. Created with acrylic and marbleized papers on board, Palmer remarks of his paintings: “What makes my work unique is not what I’m saying, but how I’m saying it. Trademarks of my art are the circles and hidden messages throughout the piece. What I have also discovered is that my work is most successful when I allow the experience to happen, and try not to control it.” In his efforts to explore abstract expressionism, his alter ego, Carlos (‘Charly’ in Spanish) emerges. Carlos’s work is very free and is created spontaneously, rather than planned, like his alter ego. Influenced by the Shona art of Zimbabwe and the colorful murals of Mexico, Carlos’s work is painted on various surfaces such as wood panel, canvas, and watercolor paper. Charly/Carlos continues to push the envelope of his own personal style while he discovers new ways of delivering timeless messages. His work can be viewed currently at Mason Murer Fine Art, Atlanta GA.
1980-1982 BFA, The American Academy of Art, Chicago, IL
1978-1980 The School of the Art Institute, Chicago, IL
2000-2002 High Museum Young Masters program
1999-2001 Drawing and Painting, Art Station (Ages 5-8 and 9-15)
1999-2001 Advanced Drawing and Painting, Art Station (Adult level)
2000 Introduction to Norman Rockwell Painting, High Museum
1998-2000 Mixed Media and Advanced Painting, Art Station (Adult level)
1996-1998 Design and Illustration at the Portfolio Center (Grad school level)
Honorable Maynard Jackson
Honorable Andrew Young
Mayor Bill Campbell
Ms. Phyllis Jackson
Mr. John Lewis
Mr. Tony Brown
Ms. India Arie
Apex Museum – Atlanta
Alabama State University
Atlanta Life Insurance – Atlanta
City Hall – Milwaukee
McDonald’s Corporation – Wisconsin
McDonald’s National
Miller Brewing Company – Wisconsin
YWCA of Greater Milwaukee
Coca-Cola Company
Pepsi Cola Company
Publix Food Market
YMCA Youth Development Ctn. 2002
Fulton County Arts Council 1999
1998 Winter Olympic 1997
Atlanta Convention Visitors Bureau / Atlanta 1997
1996 Olympic Poster 1995
USA Track & Field Association 1995
Southern Bell / Atlanta 1994
Miller Brewing Company / Wisconsin 1991
Best of Show Dallas African-American Art Museum / Dallas 1990 Best of Show Inner City Art Festival / Wisconsin 1988-89; 1990
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