United States – 1899 -1984
Artist Frank T M Beatty had a long and varied career. He received his art training in Winnipeg, Canada, and then in Chicago, Illinois, the latter becoming his home base. Joining the Art Staff of the publication Popular Mechanics in 1931, he led the group as Art Director for twenty years. Upon his retirement in 1961, he devoted full time to his painting and sketching in oil, pastel and pencil, with occasional commercial art commissions. In Chicago his studio address was 6017 N. Nassau Avenue.
Beatty exhibited at the Art Institute of Chicago and Winnipeg Galleries, had solo shows at many galleries in and around Chicago and won many awards. His work is included in a number of private collections.
He was a member of the Artists Guild of Chicago, the Salmagundi Club in New York City, the North Shore Art Group of East Gloucester, the Canadian Club, the Chicago Art Club, the Northwest Art League, and a member and President of the Palette and Chisel Academy.
He loved to travel throughout the sixties and nearly every year achieved prolific trips to paint “on the spot” (plein air) in farflung locations including New York, London, Paris, Rome and Lucerne, northeast to Cape Ann, Bar Harbor and Quebec, northwest to San Francisco, Seattle, Vancouver and Victoria, southwest to Texas, Acapulco and Mexico City, and south to Bermuda, Nassau, Palm Beach, Key West and Jupiter, Florida.